Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday morning is the loneliest time

Sunday mornings have become the loneliest time of the week for me. As a child, it was busy, busy busy. By the time I awakened, mother was already switchin' the kitchen preparing a big country breakfast. Daddy would be in the living room or at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. Even as a young adult, when mother and I returned from early service, the routine would begin, put coffee on, change clothes, start breakfast, read newspaper, watch morning news shows and dish family gossip. It was great!

It is not like that for me now. I awaken to an eerily quiet home. There isn't anyone or anything switchin' anywhere. I have to make the coffee, cook my breakfast and get the paper, none of which is an issue; however, the silence is deafening. There isn't any witty banter, discussion of current affair or learning who in the family is doing this, that or the other thing. My immediate family may be few in number, but we're large in conversation, gossip and opinion.

I've lived alone for several years, so quiet Sunday mornings is nothing new. What is new is that I'm now going to the late service. I have 2-3 hours in the house before I leave for church and it is hard for me. If going to bed alone is unpleasant, waking up alone is downright awful.

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