Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Starting Over (again!)

Yes, I've said it before, I've done it before and I've "meant it" before, but this time I really, really, really mean it.

According to my widget, I have 5 months 18 days until I celebrate my 2nd 39th birthday.


This year, my 1st 39th year, is supposed to be about self-reflection, self-assessment and self-improvement, getting to the real Me, the authentic Shannon. As the year is a bit more than half gone, let's take stock at what we've learned or accomplished.

  • I am attending church regularly (again). It is difficult with my travel schedule to make every Sunday and I'm still making excuses when I don't attend. Needs some improvement
  • I haven't begun reading my Bible again. Needs a lot of improvement
  • I'm preparing meals for Calvary Women's Services monthly and I've taken a more active role on the board. Meets expectations


  • I haven't picked up a book in months (years). Needs a lot of improvement
  • I am back in grad school, but I haven't been diligent about doing the work. Needs some improvement


  • I've all but abandoned my Shaklee business and the goals I set for this year. Needs a lot of improvement
  • I'm knee deep in social networking/media (obviously). Exceeds expectations
  • I am still looking for FTE, and I have not been as aggressive as I could/should be. Needs some improvement
  • The investment property has been challenging; I have a new focus on retaining tenants for the long term. Meets expectations

Personal (if I must)

  • My circle of associates and contacts is growing. Exceeds expectations
  • I have been asked to serve on a couple of other non-profit boards. Exceeds expectations
  • I got out of the habit of taking my vitamins. Needs some improvement
  • I have not started exercising and I have not lost a single pound. Needs a lot of improvement
  • and to top it all off, I'm not in a meaningful relationship. No improvement necessary

Now, so as not to fall into a deep depression of failure, I can say that some of these are in progress and are in need of nudging or consistency to meet expectations; however, there are some bullet points that have not progressed an inch in 6+ months.

The good news, in fact the best news - it's not too late to get started and keep moving forward. For instance, I've done Cinch for 2.5 days (will finish 3rd day tonight). Yeah for me!

I'm gonna celebrate the baby steps, as well as the leaps of progress.

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